June 24, 2009

Flat Bed Update

Before & After
Brick flower/herb garden
The soil is definetely not as rich as the soil in the raised beds. But I've done my bed to mulch to keep down the weeds. *mulching considerably cut down on the summer weeding. On this side I wanted to plant my herbs, potatoes, tomatoes and some vertical plants (peas & pumpkins).
It appears the potatoes are doing very well in both the cage and garbage bags. I guess I'll be able to tell better when I harvest them. *Potatoes must grow in dirt. The potatoes grew only at the bottom where there was dirt. They didn't grow up through the straw at all.*

The parsley here is all self-seeded. As soon as it warms up, it flowers. I just never think to use my herbs. I planted chocolate mint, sage, lemon verbena, red onions, zinnias and cabbage.
Down below, I planted peas up the trellis and the pumpkins are just getting started.

June 22, 2009

Update on Raised Beds

Veggies love raised beds and square foot gardening. These are the beds that I layered lots of organic matter: manure, shredded paper, old fruits and vegetables, hay, compost and top soil.*Throughout the summer, the soil in the beds have settled down about 6 inches* To make planting more easy, I used twine and sectioned off one foot squares. Once the plants grow up you can't even tell the string is there. You can see that the lettuce loves being squished. I barely have to weed and if I do, I just pluck it out. It has been very interesting to study the critters that share our veggies. In the spinach, I found cutworms, next to that in the dark lollo rossa, I found green cabbage loopers. They like what they like and don't crawl right next door to chow on a different lettuce, even when they are right next to each other. We go out each evening and morning and hand pick off the bugs. I have even spent some time hand washing the broccoli and cauliflower leaves with a little dawn soap and water to get the aphids off. *Next year use row covers with the broccoli, cauliflower, and brussel sprouts. It's almost impossible to stay ahead of the critters.* I really don't want to resort to any harsh chemicals. I want the children to be able to pick off any fruit or vegetable and eat it on the spot.
Below bottom bed, on the bottom two feet, I planted: marigolds, new zealand spinach, mascara lettuce, old simpson, dark lollo rossa lettuce and bloomsdale spinach. I also snuck some onions in between rows. On the top two feet, I planted the same, but three weeks later. Just in this one 4x8 bed, I can not eat all the lettuce that is ready.
You'll notice in the lower bed, I planted old simpson and dark lollo rossa inbetween cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower plants. As the broccoli and cauliflower plants are growing the lettuce thrives and produces more than I can eat. I absolutely love the red curly lettuces. I also planted pansies and nasturums for edible flowers. They make our salads extra special.
When I pick lettuce, I start as soon as the leaves are 5 inches or more. I just start picking from the outside and they will keep growing. I continue to harvest lettuce until the temperatures get into the 90's. When they start bleeding "milk" I know they are going to be bitter and I stop until the Fall season. I pull out the rest and compost them.

In the bottom bed, I planted onion sets, tomatoes, and herbs. I mulched heavily with straw and it has saved me a ton of time weeding. Whenever I need an onion I pick a few and it serves to thin the onions so they have room to grow. Here's a picture of some Tom Thumb lettuce. It forms miniature heads. You have to pick them when they are small. They go to seed very quickly. When I plant these next summer, I will definetely plant a small number every two weeks.

Here is a view from up in the kitchen. I just love these raised beds. Only two of the beds are 20 inches tall. Next summer, I hope to add another 10 inches to the other four beds. I have a garden caddy that I can pull inbetween the beds and actually use it as a bench. It makes weeding very handy.