April 18, 2009

2009 Gardening Planting Dates & Notes


all transplants
Broccoli -harvested 6/18-Small heads, very tasty. Continued to send out small shoots clear through August.
Brussell Sprouts-8/30 still not doing really well. They are getting eaten by something at night.
Cabbage-getting chewed up by cabbage loopers. i hand pick almost daily. consider row cover next time.
Cauliflower-began harvesting 6/18-getting chewed
Ice Berg Lettuce-planted 4/12 in between the cauliflower and broccoli plants. It really seemed happy and healthy, but never formed the tight heads you get in the store. Maybe because I harvested the outer leaves. Bugs weren't a problem.
Kennibec Potatoes
Lollo Lettuce -loved this lettuce and it's bright red color. planted 4/17 and ate thru late June. Bugs didn't bother this lettuce.
Red Potatoes
Red Onions
Simpson Lettuce-planted 4/12 in between the broccoli and cauliflower. It also thrived under the leaves of it's friend and no bug problem.
Yukon Gold Potatoes

New Zealand Spinach-grew very well, no bug problems. I just didn't know what to do with it. I ended up pulling it all out before it flowered and composted all of it.
Bloomsdale Spinach-planted 4/17 and ate it thru mid June. Grow more of it and more frequently. Cutworms did seem to like this, so I hand picked them daily.
Tom Thumb Lettuce-Planted 4/17 and was ready in late May. Very cute little iceberg heads. You need to pick this when they are young or they go to seed very quickly. Bugs seemed to stay clear of this one.
Mascara Lettuce-planted 4/17 and started harvesting in late may. This leaf is very pretty and looks like a green/red oak leaf. Great in a garden salad mix. Bugs didn't bother it very much.
Forellenschluss (from transplants) Lettuce-planted 4/17 and started harvesting early may. Very pretty. Cabbage loopers love this one.
Dark Lollo Lettuce-planted 4/17 and started harvesting Mid may. Love this lettuce. Bugs not a problem.
White Onions

Sugar Snap Peas -planted 4/18 and started harvesting 6/18. These are very sweet, pod and peas. If left to get fat, the seeds are very woody. No bug problem.
Blue Pod Peas-love these just for the colorful flowers they produce and then the purple pea pods. They are absolutely brilliant in a salad. Pick when very young, otherwise they are woody.

Detroit Beets-beets didn't grow this season.
Bulls Blood Beets
Chioggia Beets
Muscade Carrots-didn't like the taste of any of the carrots. But pulled them long after july. A friend told me they should be picked before july heat. I'll try them in my fall garden.
Atomic Red Carrots
Danvers Carrots
Amarillo Carrots
Lunar White Carrots

German Cherry Tomato-pretty tasteless.
Green Zebra Tomato
Cherokee Purple-really like this tomato
Red Grape Tomato
Green Tennessee Tomato
Kentucky Beefsteak Tomato
Flame Hillbilly Tomato
Brandy Wine Tomato
Beefsteak Tomato
Green Peppers

Cucumber-growing quickly, no bugs yet-6/24.
Pole Beans-growing, cucumber beetle problem; sprayed and no growth is not affected.
Scarlet Red Beans-growing, cucumber beetle problem; sprayed and no growth is not affected.
Yard long bean-growing, cucumber beetle problem; sprayed and no growth is not affected.

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